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Welcome to the only travel guide subscription that grows with your adventures. Plans are monthly individual subscriptions with flexibility to pause or transfer to family or friends. Anyone can sign up for their own free account to join your family travel group on the app and follow your journey maps, or send you private messages. Help us to grow when you book accommodations, activities and tours from our personalized recommendations.
- Unlimited voice guides only
- Full access to world guides online library
- Default guide languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Email customer support
Private messaging
- Turn any ebook you own into an audio book at USD9.99 each
- Exclusive early access to new guides
- Multilingual support for all guides
- Unlimited voice guides, vision app
- Full access to world guides online library
- Default guide languages: English, French, German, Spanish
- Available in multiple languages
Priority customer support
Private messaging
- Turn any ebook you own into an audio book at USD9.99 each
- Exclusive early access to new guides
- Multilingual support for all guides
- Unlimited voice guides, vision app
- Full access to world guides online library
- Default guide languages: English, French, German, Spanish and new languages
- Available in multiple languages
Exclusive early access to new guides
Multilingual support for all guides
Priority customer support
Personalized travel consultation, route planning with our experts
Private messaging
- Prices indicated are for web app and online subscriptions only. App store plans start free with in-app purchases.