Your credit card may not grant preferred status, but it might get you into airport lounges for free, which can be just as useful. The Delta American Express Reserve card, to take one example, includes 15 visits a year to Delta's Sky Club. Other cards may offer credits for in-flight purchases (like the AAdvantage Aviator…
You can use the iPhone's ability to understand what's depicted in images to help clarify and organize your memories of your vacations. For example, if you took a picture of a major landmark as you fly by in a taxi but you don't remember or know what it was called, you can often find the…
You can use the iPhone's ability to understand what's depicted in images to help clarify and organize your memories of your vacations. For example, if you took a picture of a major landmark as you fly by in a taxi but you don't remember or know what it was called, you can often find the…